Cryptography deals with algorithms able to protect relevant information against potential attacks performed by malicious men that want to steal private information such as business or personal sensible data. Cryptography is concerned with all issues related to message-security, peer-authentication and integrity-check....
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Some practice with a smart card is important to understand how it works and how it accepts commands and replies with responses....
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Quando si parla di motori di ricerca, si pensa immediatamente a Google. E’ nostra consuetudine, qualunque sia l’informazione di cui abbiamo bisogno, andare su google e digitare alcune parole relative all’argomento di nostro interesse.
Solitamente i risultati ricercati sono contenuti entro i primi dieci link proposti. Alle volte invece bisogna scorrere le pagine e leggere diversi contenuti non attinenti prima di trovare ciò che interessa. Certe altre volte, addirittura non si trova nulla. Perché?...
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"Smart Card Middleware" usually means a set of libraries that allows integrating the smart card in third party applications. But the question is which exactly are the libraries supplyed by a smart card middleware? The schema below shows the "Big Picture":...
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